Competition Proposal
2019 / Mannheim, DE
In collaboration with Lukas Bessai

Architectural intervention, in order to spatially revive and programmatically supplement the dormant potential of Frei Otto's visionary Multihalle. A new topography is proposed in the main hall as the basis for prefabricated workspace bubbles, which are planted into the 5m grid of the Multihalle. The space between the collective of cells is supposed to stimulate common work, encounters and discourse. As a second intervention, a landmark tower is proposed on the eastern edge of the Multihalle as the new entrance to the Herzogenried-Park. In addition to office and workshop rooms, the tower also offers space for guests and speakers. The tower and the bubbles are made of simple, common materials such as wood and foil, which enable the creation of different tempered zones and thus guarantee the highest possible flexibility in terms of thermal and spatial requirements.